


martes, marzo 27, 2012

FAQ About Time Travel

UK (2009)

Ray, Toby & Pete are three friends and they live in London. Ray, the leader, has lost his job just now; a very bad job. He goes with Pete and Toby to “drown his sorrows” at their favorite bar. Ray is very funny; his main hobby is to study about “time travel”. His fondest wish is it. His friends are kidding him all the time about that interest. However, that day, at the pub, something really strange happens. Ray meets a girl and she says that she comes from the future! His friend laughs when listen to this. But, when Toby go to the toilet, he travel to the future too. Then, he come back with his friends. All together go to the toilet and, they travel to the past! And then to a parallel reality! Ok, to come back to the “present” they must know the basic rules to travel on time: never speaks with another me, don’t change anything, never speak about future with people in the past... With this manual about time travel, Will they come back to the future/past/parallel present?

Today a 100% alternative movie for piniculas. This movie, a BBC production and starring by Chris O’Dowd (IT Crowd), had its premiere at 38 cinemas only. It’s a low budget movie. However, this kind of British comedies are my favorites. With smart dialogs, funny situations and very ironic, FAQ about TT is a interesting film that I recommend “scifi” lovers. Intelligent film with a little bit simple plot.

Mark: 7.3

To Remember: “Morrissey shouldn’t exits”.”When, after Smiths?”.”No, ever”.
To Forget: The plot It’s a little bit monotonous.

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lunes, marzo 12, 2012

La piel que habito

España (2011)

Robert Ledgart is a doctor specialist in skin. Actually he is a plastic surgeon. Robert is working in an ambitious project related to mutant skill: pork skill in a human body. He carries out his experiments in his own house with kidnapped girl. This girl, Vera Cruz, swap her skin for the mutant one. The result: a new body, stronger and fireproof. But nobody can know this discovery; It's forbidden to mix human cells and animal cells. Vera Cruz will be only for Robert's pleasure. However, Zeca, Robert's best friend in the past, burst into the Robert's house and raped Vera. Robert will try to revenge Vera. He hates Zeca but why? The secret is in the past. A past where everybody is different and where jealousy and love are mixed with violence and dead.

Today we have on our blog a new Almodovar's masterpiece. Probably the most technical movie filmed by this Manchegan director. Impeccable production, performances and music. Almost perfect. 100% author's cinema. In this movie, Almodovar captivate us until the ending. With dense dialogues and a little bit complex plot, the spectator will enjoy with three different parts: the beginning, with the Vera Cruz experiment (2nd in time), the middle part (1st in time) and ending (3rd in time). This long story (more than 2 hrs.) in, undoubtedly, a challenge for the director. But this challenge is favourable to Pedro cause the final result is excellent. In the against side, I can say that maybe he “abuse” of Almodovar's clichés (females, problematic families, impossible loves...) I think it's no necessary to use this resources in each movie. The plot is strong enough to convince the most pure film lover.


To remember: The scene in the shop with Agustin Almodovar trying to give his wife's clothes.
To forget: Maybe unnecessary clichés a bit forced.

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lunes, marzo 05, 2012

The Naked City (La ciudad desnuda)

EEUU (1948)

Producción dirigida por Jules Dassin a partir de la historia de Marvin Wald, ganadora de dos Óscars al mejor montaje y mejor fotografía en B/N. En la ciudad de Nueva York todos los días en Manhattan hay miles de historias entre sus ocho millones de habitantes, para los crímenes está encargado el teniente Dan Muldoon, hasta su comisaría llega el caso del crimen de una joven modelo que parece ser en un principio un suicidio por ahogamiento, para el caso tiene a su cargo al joven detective Jimmy Halloran, ambos irán desentrañando la compleja historia que rodea ese crimen con los interrogatorios al doctor Stoneman, al ex boxeador Frank Niles, a la bella amiga de la modelo, Ruth Morrison, para llegar al último cabo suelto de la historia, Willie Garzah, el tío que toca la armónica y principal sospechoso en este enredado crimen que como todos no llegará a ser perfecto por la sagacidad de Muldoon.

Nos encontramos una de los clásicos del cine negro, una apasionado thriller policíaco de corta duración donde no se hacen guiños a la dispersión, la acción y las pesquisas no cesan durante el relato para llegar a la solución de uno de tantos crímenes que se cometen en Manhattan y que con buenos policías como Muldoon algún criminal acaba entre rejas. Cine de otra época que te hace pasar un buen rato divertido y ves el Manhattan de los finales de los años 40's, muy parecido al actual ya en su arquitectura pero donde sus gentes no vivían con algún lujo. A destacar, como fue premiada, por su buen montaje y fotografía, hay planos que solo por ese instante merece el visionado de la película, para todo fan de la ciudad de NY es algo que no puede perderse. Los clásicos de Hollywood son atemporales y de hecho muy vigentes, como ocurre en la actualidad con sus producciones.

Para Recordar: La fotografía, el carácter de buen poli de Muldoon y un buen guión.

Para Olvidar: La ausencia de música en el relato (parece cine dogma jeje...) y que ante las buenas críticas que había leído de esta producción me hice demasiadas expectativas, es buen cine pero no una obra maestra.

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